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How to Design Bedroom Wardrobes to Maximize the Use of Space

When it comes to bedroom organization, wardrobes play a pivotal role in keeping your space clutter-free and organised. However, designing bedroom wardrobes that maximise the use of space can be a challenging task. Whether you have a spacious bedroom or a cosy one, making the most of your wardrobe design is essential. In this blog post, we'll explore smart design strategies to help you optimise your bedroom wardrobes and create a functional and organised storage solution.

1. Assess Your Storage Needs

Before diving into wardrobe design, it's crucial to assess your storage needs. Take an inventory of your clothing, shoes, accessories, and any other items you plan to store in the wardrobe. This assessment will help you determine the size and layout of your wardrobe, ensuring it meets your specific requirements.

2. Choose the Right Type of Wardrobe

Depending on your bedroom's layout and your preferences, you can choose from various types of wardrobes:

- Built-In Wardrobes: These wardrobes are custom-designed to fit the available space in your bedroom seamlessly. They maximise floor-to-ceiling and wall-to-wall space for efficient storage.

- Freestanding Wardrobes: Freestanding wardrobes offer flexibility, as they can be moved around the room. Choose ones with adjustable shelves and hanging bars to customise the interior.

- Walk-In Wardrobes: If you have ample space, a walk-in wardrobe provides the ultimate in storage convenience. You can design it with various shelving units, drawers, and hanging areas.

3. Utilize Vertical Space

Make the most of vertical space by installing floor-to-ceiling shelving and hanging bars. This design strategy not only maximises storage but also creates a visually appealing, clutter-free look. Consider adjustable shelves to accommodate different types of clothing and accessories.

4. Incorporate Drawers and Shelves

Drawers are excellent for organising smaller items like socks, underwear, and accessories. In addition to hanging bars, include shelves at various heights to store folded clothing, shoes, and storage bins. Consider pull-out shelves or baskets for easy access.

5. Mirror Fronted Wardrobes

Opting for mirror-fronted wardrobes serves a dual purpose. It not only provides a full-length mirror for dressing but also creates an illusion of more space in the room, making it feel larger and brighter.

6. Lighting

Good lighting is essential to make your wardrobe's interior functional and visually appealing. Include built-in LED lighting or attach battery-operated LED lights to the interior to illuminate shelves and drawers. This makes it easier to see and access your items.

7. Sliding Doors

If space is limited in your bedroom, consider wardrobes with sliding doors. They don't require extra clearance for swinging open, making them a space-saving choice. You can opt for mirrored or frosted glass doors to add style and functionality.

8. Customizable Interior

Invest in a wardrobe with a customizable interior. Many manufacturers offer modular systems that allow you to adjust shelves, hanging bars, and drawers as your storage needs change over time.

9. Don't Forget About Shoe Storage

For shoe lovers, dedicated shoe shelves or pull-out racks are a must. These specialised storage solutions keep your shoe collection organised and easily accessible. Consider shoe racks that can accommodate various shoe sizes and styles.

10. Seasonal Storage

If you have limited space in your main wardrobe, consider incorporating a separate storage solution for seasonal clothing. Under-bed storage bins or a dedicated closet in another room can house off-season clothing, leaving your main wardrobe uncluttered.

11. Keep It Organized

Once your wardrobe is designed and installed, it's essential to maintain organisation. Regularly declutter and donate items you no longer need. Use storage bins or dividers to keep small items tidy, and hang your most frequently worn clothing at eye level for easy access.


Designing bedroom wardrobes that maximise the use of space requires careful planning and consideration of your storage needs and the available room layout. By choosing the right type of wardrobe, optimising vertical space, incorporating drawers and shelves, and utilising smart design strategies, you can create a functional and organised storage solution that enhances the overall look and feel of your bedroom. With a well-designed wardrobe, your clothing and accessories will have a dedicated home, making it easier to maintain a clutter-free and peaceful bedroom environment.

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